basstunes issue #32 by Makeedo

Velmi poslouchatelný energický set od rakušana Makeeda.
- [1] Telemetrik - The Bane [BSE]
- >>> Nu:tone ft. Natalie Williams - System (Matrix & Futurebound rmx) [Hospital]
- >>> Origin Unknown - Valley Of The Shadows [Ram]
- [2] Chase & Status - Hurt You [Ram]
- [3] Soulmatic - Give Yourself Peace [Intrinsic]
- [4] Noisia & Black Sun Empire - Winter War [BSE]
- [5] Red One - Believe In U (Ant Miles rmx) [Liftin Spirit]
- [6] Cyantific - Pulse 101 [Hospital
- [7] Brookes Brothers - The Light [BBB]
- [8] The Source ft. Candi Staton - You Got The Love (Hold Tight rmx) [White]
- [9] Zeroleen - All Good (Kraak & Smaak rmx) [Quango]
- [10] The First Floor Brothers - Chi-Town Strut (All Good Funk Alliance rmx) [Citrona]
- [11] Funk Weapons - Super Jam (Flow Dynamix rmx) [Funk Weapons]
- [12] Kraak & Smaak - One Of These Days (Balearic Soul rmx) [Jalapeno]
- [13] All Good Funk Alliance - Rec (Ancient Astronauts rmx) [Funk Weapons]
- [14] Featurecast - Monkey [Funk Weapons]
- [15] Spor, Ewun & Evol Intent - Levitate [Lifted]
- [15] Telemetrik - Cosmos [BSE]
- [16] John B - Vampire Eyes [Beta]
- [17] Apex - Hench [Lifted]
- [18] Benjie - AI (Rawthang rmx) [BSE]
- [19] Sunchase ft. Yanna Kay - Rember Me [Hostile]
- [20] Tactile - Helloween [Avalanche]
- [21] Verse - Regression [Revolution]
- [22] Misanthorp - Me [Subtitles]
- [23] Holdtight & Kleer - Blasius [Intustry]
- [24] Contour - Desire [Prime Time]
- [25] Danny Byrd - Labyrinth [Hospital]
- [26] Bachelors Of Science - People Together [Horizons]
- [27] Laroque - Life (Live & Direct) [Interphace]