TechTribe Essentials (2008 - 08-28) - Tarmo Vannas - TechTribe Essentials 126

Hudební styl:
- 01 Simian Mobile Disco - I Got This Down (Invisible Conga People Remix) [Wichita]
- 02 Christoph Schindling - Thoughts [Sula Muse]
- 03 Paulo Olarte - Centauro [Diynamic]
- 04 Forest People - Cell One [Dubok Sound]
- Adultnapper - Apropills [Nummer]
- 06 Dj Koze - I Want To Sleep [International Record]
- 07 Ellen Allien - Elphine (Zander Vt Remix) [Bpitch Control]
- 08 Niggemann & Poppcke - L'aurora (Agnes Chicago Take) [Moonpool]
- 09 Ekkohaus - Our Thing [Morris Audio] 10 Slajh - White Pockets (Doppelschichts Drop The Bottle Remix) [Mbf]
- 11 Erphun Feat Cari Goldan - The Tease (Oliver Klein & Peter Jurgens Remix) [Mutekki]
- 12 Tony Lionni - Machine Talk [Versatile]
- 13 Peter Horrevorts - Oorsprong (Zander Vt Remix) [Kanzleramt]
- 14 Way Out West - Spaceman (Robert Babicz Remix) [Hope]
- 15 El Farouki - Futon [3rd Wave Music]
- 16 Kiki & Sasse - Belvedere (Two Armadillos Remix) [Mood Music]
- 17 The Timewriter - Flicking Pages (Peter Horrevorts Remix) [Plastic City]
- 18 Justus Kohncke - Yacht (Robert Babicz Remix) [Kompakt]