Calpor - Wreckbass DUBSTEPAH

V tomhle mixu se potkava techno s dubstepem. Scream vs. Surgeon.
- Atki2 - Douceur [Immerse Records]
- Cex - Flex On Cex, Eh [Tigerbeat6]
- Pinch - Punisher (Skream's Heavy Duty Remix) [Planet Mu]
- Shackleton - I Want To Eat You [Mordant Music]
- Surgeon - Floorshow Part 1.2 [Counterbalance]
- Scuba - Plate [Hot Flush]
- DJ C & Zulu - Ransom The Senator [Death$ucker]
- Mathhead - Bullets Of Your Sound Remix [Terminal Dusk Records]
- Al Tourettes - Unpasteurised [[k]rack-troni[k]]
- Cursor Miner - Cursor Miner Feels Good [Lo Recordings]
- Agaric - Kontrafunk (Scuba's Hotflush Remix) [Kontra-Musik]
- Elemental - Deep Under [Hot Flush]
- Si Begg - My Style [Noodles Recordings]
- Cyrus - Dark Future [Tectonic]
- Shed - Masque (Made Up Sound Remix) [Soloaction]
- Limbertimbre - Racking Cane [Pretension]
- DJ Naga - Die Rhythmen Ein (Si Begg Remix) [Chi Recordings]
- Son Of The Electric Ghost - Concept Of Nature (Lawgiverz Convict Of Nature Mix) [Addictech Records]
- Ion Driver - Less Begin [Digital Distortions]
- J Hazen - 700ft [Virus B-23]
- Calpor+-+ 20.08.2008 (72 MB)