Wen - HEDMUK Exclusive Mix

- Skepta - Mastermind [Boy Better Know]
- Walton - Haze [Dub]
- Self Evident - Calgary [South Fork Sound]
- My Nu Leng - Waltaknocks VIP [Dub]
- Arka - Innamorta [Dub]
- Akkord - Compound [Houndstooth]
- Neana - Bow Kat [Dub]
- Elmono - Shadows on the Moon [Cold Recordings]
- Dizzee Rascal - Strings Hoe (Wen Refix) [Dub]
- Luthor - STL [Dub]
- Elsewhere - The Espers [Mindset]
- Wen - Persian [Dub]
- E.m.m.a - Nostrum (feat. Sully) [Forthcoming Keysound]
- Facta - Hieroglyph [Dub]
- >>> President T - Heard What I Said [Adamantium Music]
- J-One - Ask Me [Dub]
- LAS - Liketha [Forthcoming Signal Life]
- Etch - Rise [Soundman Chronicles]
- Teeth - Black Thigh Snakes [Forthcoming Signal Life]
- K-Lone - Crunch [Dub]
- >>> Lil Nasty - Firework [Rock N Rolla II]
- Mickey Freeze - Carbon [Dub]
- Kahn & Neek - Thief In The Law [Bandulu]
- Dot Rotten - Give Me The Money [Ghetto Platinum Productions]
- Epoch - The Steppenwolf (Gantz Remix) [Dub]